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O Gaikai da Sony não será usado somente com jogos

A Sony recentemente comprou a Gaikai por 380 milhões de dólares, o equivalente a 760 milhões de reais, Gaikai é um serviço de armazenamento em Nuvem.

O presidente da Sony, Andrew House, disse que a expansão da tecnologia da Gaikai para fora dos jogos seria um bom negócio.
"It's recognition on Sony's part that the cloud and cloud streaming technologies are going to have profound and possibly a very positive impact on not only our game business, but also in the way our consumers interact with and obtain content in general,"
Michael Pachter disse que o preço nem foi tão alto, e disse que vai demorar um pouco para o Gaikai se integrar aos serviços da Sony, então não esperamos ouvir nenhuma notícia sobre a implementação do Gaikai nos serviços da Sony por no mínimo 6 meses.

O Gaikai poderia integrar jogos de PS2 e PS3 para os tablets, PS Vita e celulares da Sony, há várias possibilidades de uso do Gaikai.

Algumas palavras de Phil Spencer, que faz parte da Microsoft.
"To be honest," Spencer told, "it is at an incubation period. Gaikai is doing great work and I'm not downplaying what they've done, but it is not yet at global scale where you can promise someone that when they buy this TV and plug it into their own internet connection that they are going to get a reliable service that a normal, non-technical person would accept for playing all types of games.

"We're a scale company, we want to make a promise that we can actually reach everybody. Anybody can buy a Kinect, plug it in, and it will work. Cloud is in the future, there is no doubt about that. And as a company, Microsoft has Azure; we have data centers, Office 365, Hotmail. There is no question about big data, large scale services that Microsoft has invested in.

"On our side, future of entertainment is the cloud. You see that with music and movies, and games will be that way as well. We are a ways away from everybody being able to play all the games that we are showing off on the floor of E3 via the cloud reliably. We're involved in the investigations and the experiments, but I don't think it's at scale yet.

It will be, but it is not an 'if,' it's a 'when.'"

O Gaikai também será usado para assistir filmes, ouvir músicas e assistir TV, além de várias outras opções.

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