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8monkey Labs Capcom Grin e Sega Licenciam PhysX

A Nvidia nunciou que 8monkey Labs, Capcom, Grin e Sega licenciaram a tecnologia PhysX para serem utilizadas em futuros games tirando proveito de tal tecnologia oferecida por parte das placas GeForce.

Entre os games que tais empresas empresas irão lançar utilizando de PhsyX temos Dark Void, Darkest of Days e Terminator Salvation.

Abaixo temos release a respeito da tecnologia em cima de alguns dos games citados(em inglês).

Terminator Salvation
GRIN—the Sweden-based developers of the upcoming video game Terminator Salvation—has chosen NVIDIA PhysX technology to help them deliver a compelling, interactive, action-packed, third-person shooter video game that will be released in conjunction with the highly-anticipated Halcyon film, which opens nationwide in the U.S. on May 21, 2009.

“NVIDIA PhysX technology really allows us to do things in the game that we couldn’t do before,” said Bo Andersson, CEO at GRIN. “By working with NVIDIA and the PhysX teams very closely, we were able to make the Terminator Salvation game environments look and react as realistically as they do in the film. Gamers are going to be in for a real treat.”

For more information on Terminator Salvation, visit

Dark Void
Capcom Entertainment, Inc. and Airtight Games, the developers of science fiction action adventure Dark Void™, are using NVIDIA® PhysX® and APEX technologies to deliver stunning in-game physics effects. Dark Void will utilise both NVIDIA PhysX and APEX technologies to deliver an inspired, interactive experience, complete with a GPU-accelerated particle system that is used extensively for weapons and debris effects. Dark Void will be released in the fall of 2009 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the PC.

“The extensive capabilities that NVIDIA PhysX and APEX technologies provide to developers is colossal,” said Jim Deal, President at Airtight Games. “For example, the new APEX turbulence module that NVIDIA recently introduced allows us to have infinite artistic freedom in the way the game looks, plays, and feels..”

For more information on Dark Void, please visit:

Darkest of Days
Developer 8monkey Labs turned to NVIDIA® PhysX® technology in order to create environments that were interactive, expressive, and as natural as possible for forthcoming historically-based first-person shooter Darkest of Days. The title will be released in fall 2009 for the Xbox360 and Windows-based PCs, which will feature numerous GPU-accelerated PhysX effects for additional immersion.

“NVIDIA PhysX technology helped us achieve eerily accurate historical detail,” said Mark Doeden, Art Director at 8monkey Labs. “Our Marmoset Engine brings these battles to life with a completely unique look, and the PhysX technology was instrumental in making the game feel alive and real.”

For more information on Darkest of Days, please visit

Biart Studio, based in Russia’s ‘Silicon Valley’, has adopted NVIDIA® PhysX® technology for its upcoming sci-fi tactical shooter U-Wars. On the PC, U-Wars’ physics effects are hardware accelerated by any CUDA-enabled CUDA™ general purpose parallel computing processor, including NVIDIA GeForce® GPUs 8800 GTX or faster.

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