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XDA Developers entra na onda e inicia protesto contra a S.O.P.A


Se você tentou hoje entrar no site ou no fórum da XDA Developers, notou que esta sendo redirecionado para esta página: Onde recebemos a seguinte mensagem:

"XDA Developers

Along with Reddit and many other sites, we have decided to go dark (beginning at 8AM ET) for a period of time today in protest of pending Internet-related legislation in the US. Our goal is not to raise awareness of this legislation. We assume most of you know all about it. Our goal is encourage users like you to get involved.

Once 50,000 US visitors have signed our pledge below, XDA will return. The current pledge count is: 157

This pledge is only for US visitors of the site, though you can help the cause by getting your family or friends in the US to contact their local Senator or Representative. We are tremendously sorry for the inconvenience and hope to return online soon.

To find the contact info for your local member of Congress, visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation and enter your zip code.

Today is a monumental day in the short history of the Web. Wikipedia and many others have joined the protest. We hope you will do you part to maintain the free Internet (and bring XDA back online)!"

(tentem usar o Google Tradutor se não é muito bom no inglês:

Vemos que só vamos poder acessar o site quando no mínimo 50.000 usuários norte-americanos assinarem a abaixo-assinado contra a nova Lei de Combate à Pirataria Online, que como ja diz o nome da mesma, vai tentar acabar com toda a pirataria da web...

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